‘The Girls are in Power’: Afghan Refugees Overcome Discrimination, Rising as Leaders in Indonesia

Through a collection of profiles, we explore the journeys of three female Afghan refugees who have emerged as community leaders in Cisarua, reclaiming societal roles and discovering fulfilment amidst transit…

Claudia Goundar18 Mar 2024

Nickel Mining Operation Is ‘Slowly Killing Us’, Indonesian Farmers Say

Muddy water flowing in the house of Saharia, a resident of Dompo-Dompo Jaya Village in Southeast Sulawesi, on May 20, 2023. (Project M/Riza Salman) Farmers in Wawonii, Southeast Sulawesi, are up in arms about a nickel mining operation that is…

Yuli Z.4 Feb 2024

Woods, Rocks, and Ghosts: In the Villages of Yogyakarta, Local Beliefs Fuel Fight against a Massive Infrastructure Project

Stories of supernatural encounters surrounding the construction of Jalur Jalan Lintas Selatan (the Gunungkidul Southern Lane, JJLS) reflect the traditional beliefs of nature being “sentient” and fighting against anthropocentric development. I – The Tree that ‘Refuses’ to Fall Up until…

Titah AW25 Jan 2024

Abortion’s Stigma in Indonesia Keeps Rape Victims from Safe Health Services

Indonesia recently extended the legal window for an abortion from six weeks of pregnancy to 14 weeks, a change welcomed by professionals working with rape victims but met with strong opposition from doctors’ association, demonstrating the ongoing challenges in ensuring…

Permata Adinda27 Sep 2023

Breaking Taboos: Papuan Women Embrace Collective Care to End Period Poverty

Periods are a natural process for people with a uterus. However, conversations about sexual and reproductive health, including menstruation, remain taboo in Papua, one of Indonesia’s most disadvantaged regions. Armed conflicts, poverty caused by dispossession and deforestation, and a male-dominated…

Narriswari25 Aug 2023

Turning Undocumented: Struggles of Indonesian Undocumented Domestic Workers in Malaysia

The persistent problem of lack of protection for Indonesian domestic workers in Malaysia has led to a policy to turn undocumented workers to documented ones through a “calibration program”. Latest updates showed the popularity of this policy, attracting 410.000 workers.…

Liani MK16 Aug 2023

Seeking Equitable Pathways: Indonesian domestic workers continue to seek better recruitment channels in Malaysia

In pursuit of improved economy and labor welfare, a significant number of Indonesians seek employment in Malaysia as domestic workers. But loopholes in regulations have made them vulnerable to exploitation and illegal procedures, oftentimes from unscrupulous employment agencies. Yet, former…

Liani MK16 Aug 2023

Between Gender Expectations and Affirmative Action: The Complex Road for Indonesian Women in Politics

The path to politics is far from smooth for Indonesian women. Even before starting their campaigns, they must balance work and family life while facing strict cultural expectations and political obstacles. And the struggle may soon become even harder, as…

Indonesia’s Underprivileged Gen Z: The Poor, The Queer, and The Frustrated

In Indonesian public discourse, young people, in particular Generation Z, are described as well-educated, cultured, and tech-savvy, a generation producing the next wave of young, exciting start-up CEOs. Project Multatuli has looked into another Gen Z, one that is rarely…

‘Green’ Finance Bankrolls Deforestation in Papua

A plantation project in Papua has destroyed thousands of hectares of rainforest and decimated the traditional food sources of indigenous peoples, an investigation by The Gecko Project found. The project ground to a halt in 2014 because it wasn’t financially…

Between Nickel and A Hard Place: Plight of Indonesian and Chinese Workers Behind Electric Vehicle Boom

Workers in nickel industrial park in Morowali and North Morowali grapple with the grim realities of death, suicides, accidents, asphyxiation, contract violations, and wage reductions. The workers’ protests and grievances are met with imprisonment as the current Indonesian government continues…

Permata Adinda27 May 2023
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